With a little creative licence, we ran the #HeyKidsBookFest on the Sunday afternoon of the Bank Holiday weekend here in our #CommunityLockIn so no one had to leave home to be part of it.
To be sure to find out about other events like this do sign up here for updates and/or to get involved
We had an epic line up of speakers:
THE INTERROGATION : top young people's author Anthony Horowitz gets grilled by Fin and his dad and you can pop your questions to him too to see if he confesses
RUNAWAY ROBOTS : one of Liverpool's finest word smiths, Frank Cottrell Boyce, tells the story behind this book and his writing journey
THE ART OF STORY TELLING : top tips on captivating an audience of one or one million by the story seamstress herself Ros WIlson
PICTURES - THOUSAND WORDS : let your imagination take you on a trip as Simon Smith shares his favourite picture books with you
WHEELY STORIES : hear from the fastest story teller on 2 wheels. Yes we're only stuck the brakes on Grandad Wheels for half an hour!!!
FOOTBALL CRAZY : From football to World War II Tom Palmer has all bases covered
IF YOU DON'T LIKE POETRY: you'll love hearing Joshua Seigal talk about his adventures, performing in front of his mirror, using a hairbrush as a microphone or at the Edinburgh Festival
Also joined by guest interrogators Caroline Ash, Colin Tucker and Marva Rollins OBE
YOUR QUESTIONS PLEASE: All sessions included an opportunity for the audience to ask questions of the speakers via our secure YouTube Channel.
To get everyone in the mood and help get word out, we’re going to kick off the most viral social media campaign since that one where people played keepy uppy with a loo roll and then kicked it out of the film to the next person on the interweb.
Except we’ere going to #PassAKidsBook - ideally making a little film about the one we pass and why we think it’s so special.
Whether child, parent or other creative carers we hope everyone will get involved.
Meet our co-curator
Click to see Rich Simpson intoduce the #HeyKidsBookFest
On the Art Take Over we ran on the Isle of Wight a few weeks back we met some wonderful people and inspiring teachers, few more so that Rich Simpson, who had a clear passion for children’s book.
He spoke at the Parliament launch of the #UKArtTakeOver - you can see his talk here
Need somE inspiRation?
Check out these films from the master of kids books, picture books particularly, Simon Smith from Whitby and see how he brings books to life.
Simon isn’t confirmed as part of the ‘Hey Kids Book Fest’ as we haven’t had time to ask him, these are included from our archives as inspiration and a celebration of the #ARTofTEACHING and the #ARTofBOOKS which he exemplifies.
Oh go on then. Do it. Please.
Life BEyond The sea
A story of aspiration for coast town kids.